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Quality Among Us guides


Premium Among Us tricks today? You have no idea how many Impostors don’t actually abuse the sabotage feature. It’s like they’re too busy running around aimlessly and making themselves look suspicious to sabotage rooms and doors. A good Impostor is always sabotaging rooms as soon as the ability comes off cooldown, without exceptions. Not only is this a good way to slow Crewmates from completing tasks, but it’s also awesome for picking off stragglers one by one. Bonus points if you lock a Crewmate inside a room with you, kill them, and exit gracefully through a nearby vent before the doors reopen. Remember when we mentioned common tasks up in the Crewmate section of the article? This can work in your advantage as the Impostor since you’ll know everyone has to eventually complete them, and so you could lie in wait in one of the corresponding rooms to ambush them. The idea here is to lie in wait, either in a nearby vent, or on the task’s panel itself waiting for someone to get close before killing them. Read even more details on

Use the vents as an advantage Since only the imposters can use the vents to move around the maps, you can easily use them to escape the crime scene in order to avoid getting caught. You can access them and travel quickly to eliminate your victims and then escape without being seen. A crewmate watching the cameras can see you stab or kill someone if you aren’t cautious enough. If you see a blinking red light, beware someone is watching you. Although cameras cannot be a serious problem, you can easily visit the security room to know who has been watching. Also, you can pretend to be a crewmate by watching the cameras. It can help you gain the trust of your fellow crewmates.

How to Use the Vents in Among Us: Vents work similarly to secret passages in the board game Clue, only connecting two or three rooms each. The only place this is not the case is on MIRA HQ, where all the rooms are connected through Among Us’ Vents. Only Impostors are able to use these Vents and when a player gets close to one as an Impostor, the Sabotage button in the bottom-right corner of the screen gets replaced with a Vent button. Impostor players should click this button to use the Vent system. Any Crewmate in the room can see the animation when the Impostor enters the Vents, immediately giving them away. Impostors will need to take great care not to use the Vents in view of another Crewmate, or they’ll be found out. This is also true if the Impostor disappears from one room and appears in another in view of an Among Us Crewmate.

Among Us is a household name in the year 2022 and if you haven’t heard of the game yet then you must be on another planet of a spaceship (pun intended!). This extremely popular game is played by people of all age groups across the globe. It is based on the theme of a Murder-Mystery party and is played in a group of 4-10 players. It has also been listed as the “most-watched” game and has more than 3,00,000 viewers on gaming streams until now. Do you also play Among Us? Well, here are the top winning tips for Among Us game. Happy gaming!

If you aim to win the game, you just cannot blindly trust your crewmates if you see them completing their tasks. If they are actually doing a task, the taskbar will fill up. These tasks require time to be completed. They just cannot complete a task in a second. For instance, if you see someone start the reactor within a second, wake up! It’s an imposter. You should be well aware of the fact that the imposters can use the vents if you aim to win the game. The vents are connected. If you just pass someone and after that, you find a dead body in an upright position. Do not blindly trust your crewmates. During the voting process, they will need a good excuse to prove themselves innocent.

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