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Calgary House Cleaning Services In Calgary AB


First i will say a few things about Calgary, the place where my cleaning company works. Calgary is an awesome place. The Aero Space Museum focuses on the history of Canadian aviation and Western Canada in particular. Canadian pilots who fought in WWII started the museum, which has grown to exhibit a variety of aircraft, simulators, aviation art prints, radio equipment, and information on aviation history. The museum is located in a large building near the Calgary Airport.

More than 1000 animals from around the world, many in enclosures simulating their natural habitats, make Calgary’s zoo one of the top rated in North America. The zoo’s well-regarded conservation team study, reintroduce and protect endangered animals in Canada. Besides the animals, the zoo has a Botanical Garden, with changing garden displays, a tropical rainforest, a good butterfly enclosure and the 6½-hectare Prehistoric Park, featuring fossil displays and life-size dinosaur replicas in natural settings. Picnic areas, concessions and cafes dot the zoo. During winter, when neither you nor the animals will care to linger outdoors, the admission price is reduced. To get here, take the C-Train east to the Zoo stop.

Now lets discuss about cleaning tips: Getting on your hands and knees to clean your baseboards is anything but enjoyable. The good news? You can keep them clean and keep your house smelling fresh with one clever trick. Just attach a dryer sheet to your Swiffer in place of a microfiber cloth and you’ll pick up all that unwanted dust while simultaneously lending a sweet scent to your home. While many of us think of our washing machines as self-cleaning, that’s far from the case. One study published in 2007 in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology even found that running a typical wash and rinse with detergent was not enough to remove a number of infectious viruses. The key ingredient they found that was needed to do so? Bleach. To clean things for good, run your machine on the sanitize setting with a combination of hot water and a quart of bleach. So long, funky-smelling clothes! And for more helpful tips, here are the 30 Genius Tricks to Make Your Life Easier.

If the grille on your bathroom exhaust fan is clogged with dust, try a trick that’s faster and more effective than vacuuming. Here’s how to clean a bathroom fan: Turn on the fan and blast out the dust with “canned air.” The fan will blow the dust outside. This works on the return air grilles of your central heating/cooling system too. Run the system so that the return airflow will carry the dust to the filter. You’ll find canned air at home centers and hardware stores, usually in the electrical supplies aisle.

Professional housecleaner Maggie Orth likes to make her own cleaning products. Here’s her recipe for an all-purpose cleaning solution, modified from a recipe she found in the book Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan (available from In a 5-quart bucket, mix 1 cup of distilled vinegar, 3 tablespoons of borax, 1 gallon of hot water and 1/2 cup of soap (Maggie uses Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds). Maggie likes to add 10 or 15 drops of tea tree, lavender or lemon oil for a nice fragrance. Mix the ingredients and then pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle. Save the rest in a gallon jug. The raw ingredients will set you back $25 to $30, but you’ll have enough to last for years! Use this mixture to clean tile, countertops and painted woodwork. It’s a good all-purpose cleaner, but it’s not the best for cleaning glass. Maggie uses club soda to clean glass. For extra details see the video here :

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