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Recommendations on product design


Searching for Product development tips ? Now we cut even deeper. Even if an element of the design is useful, it still might get in the way. For creative types, whether they be designers, artists, composers, or poets, the temptation is always there to include too much. Too many features, too many notes, too many colors, too many words. Sometimes it’s easier to add components than it is to take them away. Many product designers get hung up on their idea. It may be a great idea, but does it need to exist? Most successful products begin as great ideas, but most great ideas don’t become successful products. Do the appropriate amount of research and ensure you use a professional design and development process.

Competition can seem like a challenge to some but in reality, it’s a tool for success. Your competitors may create similar or better products than you are currently working on. This should encourage you to go back to the drawing board and improve. Without the competitive nudge from your counterparts around the world, you would not be forced to think outside the box or work harder at creating a top quality product. Without the constant threat of competition, nothing improves. Study your competition and evaluate everything they are doing from product development to marketing. In almost every situation you will be able to find brands doing things both right and wrong. Analyze these issues and improve on them. This can only stand to make your product even better than you had originally imagined. You want to hit the market with something consumers will buy and you only have one chance to make a first impression. So do the research beforehand and ensure you launch with something that is nothing short of spectacular. Read extra details at Launching a product.

Making decisions around these concepts will ultimately inform the process of creating each specific brand element such as your logo, website, social media pages, signage and/or packaging. Prioritize brand elements most important to your key customer base. Keep in mind that just because the typical startup template dictates getting a logo, website and business cards first, that may not make sense for every type of business. And because time is literally money when you’re an entrepreneur starting out, you need to focus first and foremost on the touchpoints that have the capacity to drive revenue and sales. While nearly every company needs a basic logo and some sort of web presence, it could be that your Instagram page or even Linkedin profile supercede the need for a full-blown website in the first six months out of the gate if these are where your customers are most likely to find and vet you. Or perhaps business cards are “nice to have,” rather than a “must”, at least at the beginning. Choose and prioritize according to your needs rather than tradition.

Start-Up tip of the day : Surround yourself with the right people: Networking is a means to an end—you need to establish who is worth your time and who isn’t. Don’t underestimate the value of someone useful, and similarly, don’t underestimate the destructive potential of someone who isn’t. Be dedicated to work: Launching a startup is not like having a regular 9 to 5 job—if you want to avoid failure, you have to be prepared to fit your life around work. It may seem like working for yourself will mean better hours, but to be successful, you’ll most likely be going way over the standard 40 hour work week. On the bright side, whatever results from your hard work is entirely your own. Source:

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Service menage a domicile Paris 13 – entreprise de nettoyage


Some cleaning tricks and a high quality recommendation if you are searching for cleaning services in Paris. Subsurface Extraction: This will be used when the urine penetrates the carpet backing and pad, we would now perform a subsurface treatment. We start by using a UV light to perform this process. We locate all the contaminated areas, treating them one-by-one using a specialized solution for ultimate results. We then saturate the areas with a powerful, self-neutralizing oxidizer that not only destroys odor in carpet, but it attacks the stain as well. A water claw will then be used, which is specially designed to flush out the contaminants, removing it to our holding tank for prompt removal. This is followed up with a fresh water rinse and final subsurface extraction to remove remaining pet odor, stains and residue.

How often your carpet needs cleaning depends on the kind of carpet traffic you have (think kids and pets). Clean the carpet when the color starts looking dull. If you wait until the carpet is filthy, cleaning it will be much more difficult, take much longer and cost more. Vacuum beforehand to remove large particles of soil. Vacuum again after you clean and the carpet is completely dry to pick up soil that wicks to the surface during drying.

For our french visitors:

Si vous preferez acheter une machine de nettoyage a la vapeur, prevoyez de depenser entre 60 $ et 300 $ ou plus. Les modeles plus couteux ont des jets d’eau et une aspiration plus puissants, et certains ont meme un element chauffant pour maintenir l’eau chaude. Les avis sur ces machines sont mitiges et certains sont sujets a des pannes. Effectuez des recherches en ligne (saisissez «machines de nettoyage de tapis» dans votre navigateur) avant d’acheter.

Quelques conseils de nettoyage: Utilisez des collants pour empecher votre aspirateur d’aspirer des pieces: ne jetez pas ces collants a l’echelle! Economisez de l’argent et de petits objets precieux en utilisant le pied d’une paire de collants sur votre buse d’aspirateur. Il attrapera tout changement, bandes de cheveux et autres mors avant qu’ils ne soient aspires. Nettoyez votre four a micro-ondes naturellement avec une tasse d’eau: si votre micro-ondes ne semble pas hygienique apres une explosion d’explosions de nourriture, ne paniquez pas – vous pouvez le nettoyer gratuitement en un tour de main. Il suffit de verser une tasse d’eau resistant a la chaleur avec un demi-citron et son jus au micro-ondes a intensite maximale pendant une minute ou deux. 1. Laissez le melange dans le four a micro-ondes avec la porte fermee pendant 5 minutes pour que la vapeur fonctionne, puis essuyez facilement l’interieur de votre four a micro-ondes. Le citron laissera toute votre cuisine sentira propre et frais!

Avez-vous une garantie de 100% sur les odeurs d’animaux de compagnie? Malheureusement, il n’ya aucun moyen de garantir completement l’elimination des odeurs a 100%. La raison en est que l’odeur peut non seulement etre dans le tapis, mais egalement sous le rembourrage, sur le ciment ou le bois sous le tapis. Cela peut egalement se faire sur les plinthes, les rideaux, les murs, etc. De plus, un seul nettoyage peut ne pas etre suffisant pour eliminer l’odeur d’urine grave. Dans certains cas, il peut etre necessaire de remplacer le tapis et de traiter et sceller le sous-plancher. *** Les odeurs d’animaux qui s’etablissent ou s’etendent AU-DESSOUS du dossier du tapis (dans le coussinet et / ou le sous-plancher) ne sont plus corrigees par un simple nettoyage ou une application topique (en surface uniquement) de desodorisants. La depollution en profondeur de la contamination urinaire est couteuse et conseillee uniquement lorsque la zone concernee est limitee a quelques pieds carres ***

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Proud american shirts online store


Top quality proud american T shirts online shopping… a certain way to feel good, to brighten your mood. Here are some ideas about american patriotism in clothing. Through the years, the American flag has become a fixture in the fashion world all across the United States and even overseas. The fashion world’s homages to the flag over the years have been a little more abstract. It’s most definitely a popular motif, but the banner’s many variations run the gamut from straight-up remodeled – case in point, Givenchy’s spring 2014 men’s tech-y colored jumpers – to Catherine Malandrino’s gauzy iconic flag dress (which featured heavily in FIT’s 2009 “Fashion & Politics” exhibition).

Example of a brand using american patriotism : Jeep is the brand that US consumers say best embodies “patriotism” and its “More Than Just Words” campaign is a good example of why. The spot effectively overcomes a big challenge of patriotic marketing—that American symbols have become so common that they sometimes blend into the background—by presenting the Star Spangled Banner in a fresh way: with people and places visually representing the words.

There are also some lesser know days that many Americans like to show their patriotism. Such as National Medal of Honor Day on March 25, Patriot Day on September 11, Pearl Harbor Day on December 7, and Armed Forces Day which is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. How many of these holidays do you recognize and/or celebrate? As the daughter and spouse of military men, as well as growing up in a military town, I consider myself to be quite patriotic and wear red, white and blue often. But I must admit that I never paid much attention to some of these days in the past. So I’m adding days like National Medal of Honor Day and Patriot Day to my calendar! Read extra info on

Check out these best 4th of July patriotic outfits of 2019 for women. These are amazing and you will adore them, flag prints look ravishing. So why not to try them out this time? Amalgamate blue, white and red colored outfits into the wardrobe so you can wear any of them on 4th of July. Here we go, wishing you all an amazing freedom aura ahead.

Look and feel patriotic with our modest and classy women’s collection. Be the coolest woman at you next event by showing your true patriotism! We also have coffee! The perfect way to start your day and get you in the “Whatever It Takes” mindset. Whether you’re dealing with long days at work, sleepless nights, or screaming kids; Combat Coffee will “keep you in the fight.” Our coffee is whole bean, medium roast from South America. This is a medium bodied coffee with notes of chocolate, sweet cherry and honey. Source:

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Corrugated conduit buyer guide


Searching to purchase high quality nylon flexible conduit? Here are some recommendations and extra details helping you to make the best pick.

The ID and OD means inner diameter and outer diamter of flexible conduit. OD is the maximum of flexible conduit, and is a fixed number that can not be deviated from. Flexible conduit are always corrugated inner and outer, so we’d better leave more space inner to make wires and cables easier to through. So we should leave 20% space based on inner diameter. It may sound backward but use the diameter of the conduit as a guide to the service needed. It is better to use a conduit that is too big than one that is too small.

The most common type of electrical conduit for house wiring is the thin-wall type. Thin-wall conduit is too thin for threaded joints. It is joined to other lengths of conduit and to boxes by pressure-type fittings. Stainless steel EMT conduit and fittings combine strength with ductility, resulting in an affordable, lightweight and easy-to-handle conduit assembly. EMT can be installed indoors and outdoors in accordance with UL and NEC® requirements. See more details at Corrugated Flexible Conduit.

Rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit is plastic tubing that’s sort of a thin version of PVC plumbing pipe (and is usually gray instead of white). It can be heated and bent to change direction but is more commonly routed with elbow fittings. Connections are solvent-glued, similarly to the way PVC plumbing pipe is handled. The glued connections make the raceway watertight, so PVC can be used for outdoor and underground applications, as well as for dry and even corrosive locations. Because PVC is nonconductive, this conduit cannot serve as a ground path.

Flexible metallic conduit (also known as FMC) can be a practical choice for the large construction projects, for example building the underground car park. This particular conduit relies on interlocking metal coils to produce a long tube that lets the wires move through. By interlocking the individual pieces it can be possible to make a very flexible material. It really is practical to the installation protects that take place in a dry environment, but needs to be avoided if you have a risk of the water penetration.

The term “electrical conduit” refers to durable tubing or other types of enclosure used to protect and provide a route for individual electrical wiring conductors. Conduit is typically required where wiring is exposed or where it might be subject to damage. A conduit can be made of metal or plastic and may be rigid or flexible. All conduit is installed with compatible fittings (couplings, elbows, connectors) and electrical boxes, usually made of the same or similar material. Conduit must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and all applicable local code rules. offer a wide selection of corrugated plastic flexible conduit and flexible metal conduit to fit your needs. All of our flexible conduit meet ROHS, SGS specifications as durable and are resistant to low level acides and alkalis. These flexible conduit are also designed for wire and cable protection well. Here are you can find a full sizes of all kinds of plastic & metal flexible conduit. Whether your application requires plastic conduit, split conduit, metal conduit and other applications. You will find what you need here. Source:

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Back taxes recommendations


Tax debt guides , this is a popular topic in 2019. Money are a serious problem, as everyone knows. We will discuss about several tax relief tips finishing with the presentation of a top professional company in US : DefenseTax.

Pick Up Capital Gains if You’re in a Low Tax Bracket: The end of the year is also a good time for some people to sell stocks that have appreciated significantly in value. This can be a particularly good strategy for those who are in the 10% and 12% tax brackets since their capital gains tax may be zero. The stocks can then be repurchased, which resets the basis and minimizes the amount of tax to be paid on future gains. Even if you’re not in the lowest tax brackets, you may want to sell winning stocks to reset the basis if you’re also harvesting losses. “What you want to do is balance (gains) with stocks that have losses,” Barlin says.

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: A tax credit is so much better than a tax deduction—it reduces your tax bill dollar for dollar. So missing one is even more painful than missing a deduction that simply reduces the amount of income that’s subject to tax. But it’s easy to overlook the child and dependent care credit if you pay your child care bills through a reimbursement account at work. The law allows you to run up to $5,000 of such expenses through a tax-favored reimbursement account at work. Up to $6,000 in care expenses can qualify for the credit, but the $5,000 from a tax favored account can’t be used. So if you run the maximum $5,000 through a plan at work but spend more for work-related child care, you can claim the credit on up to an extra $1,000. That would cut your tax bill by at least $200 using the minimum 20 percent of the expenses. The credit percentage goes up for lower income households. Read extra details on Back taxes.

After the employee’s debt has been paid, the procedure for stopping the garnishment will vary depending on the type of garnishment. For federal levies, employers will receive a 668-D form, for child support the employer will receive a notice or letter from the state, and creditors will send employers a “Notice of Termination/Release of Wage Garnishment Order” for creditor garnishments. Employers should have a basic understanding of garnishments and a plan in place to respond when they occur. Consider working with a professional to ensure your plan and procedures are compliant with applicable laws based on your specific situation. Using a garnishment payment service can help you remit funds to the correct agency and help protect against undue liability and lawsuits.

The IRS is one of the most powerful entities in the country and it has an army of attorneys on its side. Effective representation with a tax attorney experienced in IRS and state tax debt is essential in order for you to defend your rights and protect your assets. With over 50 years of combined experience, Defensetax has both the broad tax law knowledge and the specific expertise in the form of IRS tax attorney required to handle your case. We have also added a new section of IRS tax forms used for taxpayers and tax-exempt organizations. It includes detailed info on most popular IRS Forms such as Form 1040, Form 2848, W-2 Form & many more. Source :

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Entrepreneur guides from


When it comes to building products, there’s one element of simplicity that matters most: cognitive simplicity, says David Lieb, who leads Google Photos. Cognitive simplicity is measured by how easy your product is to understand. But its nemesis is cognitive overhead, which is the number of logical connections that your brain has to make to contextualize and understand what it sees. Lieb asserts that the best detectors of cognitive overhead are the young, the old and the drunk. To test for cognitive simplicity, give your product to the young, the old or the drunk to use — without your preface or explanation. Then ask: What is this product for? How do you use it? Each subset is hyper-sensitive to cognitive overhead — how they react to it will give you a preview to how others may. If your design is intuitive enough for them to navigate and explain, you’re in excellent shape. If not, read on for Lieb’s counterintuitive suggestions for involving your users in the process more, slowing down your product, or making it more familiar.

Take cash as oxygen- How much money you require to keep your business active and how long you are going to use the same? Do you have this much of fund in your account through which you can carry the basic expenses associated with your business such as rent and overhead? It is the biggest matter of concern for all first-time entrepreneurs. They should make sure that their actions should respond to the bleeding of funds that take place before they start getting profits. Extra info can be seen at Best online business research.

Don’t listen to those who tell you you can’t. You know best what you can and what you can’t. You must want to make money on your own in your field. You need to want to sell goods or services to make money. It all depends on what you want and not what others tell you. Do not let yourself be influenced by such negative opinions, but choose to start on the road with positive thinking, which will give you a broader view on all the opportunities that may arise. Wrong! Nobody is perfect and you can’t even do everything perfectly, even if you want it. Mistakes are always a good experience, which can help you in the future and from which you can learn a lot. But be careful not to repeat them, because this is important. Learn how to fix what you have broken so that in the future there are no such errors anymore. Although at first you might be discouraged, don’t do it! Just think about the good side of things and what you can improve at your business through the things you learned from this experience, to make mistakes. Read how to reduce risks when you start a business.

Take any opportunity to network and learn from more experienced executives, as well as to be mentored and coached by some of them. Further, exposure to specific meetings, boardroom discussion, and strategic planning would be utterly beneficial. – Izabela Lundberg, Legacy Leaders Institute Source:

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